PLYMOUTH – Many of the individuals memorialized on Burial Hill travelled widely in their lifetimes. What took them away from Plymouth? How did they get to their destinations? Hear from surviving travel accounts and learn about their experiences away from home with Dr. Anne Mason, executive director of the Plymouth Antiquarian Society.
“Travel Tales: Plymoutheans on the Move” is a free, one-hour tour that will begin at the very top of Burial Hill in downtown Plymouth at 1 p.m. Saturday, April 2. No reservations required for individuals and families. May involve strenuous walking on steep hillside. Severe weather may cancel tour; check the Facebook page and Plymouth Antiquarian Society website for updates.

A recording of the tour will be released on Saturday, May 7.
The Plymouth Antiquarian Society partners with Pilgrim Hall Museum to present a free public tour series of Plymouth’s historic Burial Hill in 2022. This popular program is returning to a live, in-person format for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic.
A limited series of four themed history tours will be offered in person at Plymouth’s ancient burying ground at 1 p.m. on the first Saturday of every other month from April to October. The event will not be simultaneously streamed or broadcast live; however, an enhanced and audio-corrected digital version of each tour will premiere online the month following each live event.
Visit the Burial Hill page for more information at https://plymouthantiquarian.org/burial-hill or call 508-746-0012.
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