A Weekend Away: Top Tips for Packing Everything You Need in Your Carry-On Baggage


Are you all excited about your weekend way? You’re all packed, ready to log out of the office email, leave that work phone on the sofa, and relax? But are you packed? Sure, you’ve laid out every outfit for every scenario, but have you got your carry on sorted? Some things require a little more thought. It takes a lot of random items to get through the airport nowadays. Take a look at what you need for going away beside your keys and wallet. Here are our top tips for packing everything you need in your carry-on baggage.


Obviously. You’re not going to get in or out of any country without it. But you might want to look at it months in advance. There are long queues at British airports right now. This is because passports are considered out of date despite the recommended 6 months from the renewal date not having hit.

Make sure your passport is valid and renewed in time for your break.


We’re living in a paper-free world. You’re always going to reach the airport and see that dad traveller with the cargo shorts and the baseball cap clutching a pile of paper like his life depends on it. 

Be that guy. 

Sure, everything’s on an email, but that’s a tenuous internet link away. Plus, between your flights, your hotel room, your transfer, and your travel insurance, you’re talking about at least four things from four different companies that need written confirmation that you are entitled to what you’re asking for. Print off your documents. It’s all in one place with no dodgy data link slowing the queue. 

Covid Passport/Supplies

While you’re shuffling your documents, make sure your Covid passport is in there. Obviously, travel restrictions vary from country to country. So check the government website, be it your own or your destinations, to know what is required to enter. Countries in the EU have stuck to proof of vaccination or a negative test. However, others, like New Zealand, want both. Plus, they want a timeline of where you’ve been over the past two weeks. Together with contact details for you while you’re in New Zealand, and who to contact in an emergency. They are not messing around. 

Any Medication

If you have a long flight ahead of you, make sure you have enough medication with you. Even if you have a short flight that won’t affect when you take your medication, you should take enough to last the trip anyway in your carry-on baggage. Airlines have a fun habit of losing your luggage. Therefore, depending on where you’re going and what medication you’re taking, getting an emergency dose can be a hassle. Worst case scenario: you have too much, which means you’re prepped if your flight gets cancelled. 

We’re stretching the concept of medication here, but if you need a vape, be aware that no airline is going to allow you to vape on the plane. You are allowed to pack it as carry on. This means you don’t need to be without it while you’re wandering the airport. You can even buy vapes from the airport vape shop if you are hankering for a nicotine hit. However, you can only smoke and vape in designated lounges in the airport or face a fine. 

A Charger (and Your Phone if It Isn’t Obvious)

Unless you’re going on some isolation retreat (and even then), chances are you’re taking your phone abroad with you. Therefore, you’ll also need a charger. 

A lot of major airports have upgraded their sockets to include USB ports. This means you might be fine with just the cable. They’re dotted all over the airport in waiting spaces and cafes, bars, and restaurants. Therefore, you can recharge while your phone recharges. But it might be a good idea to take the plug element of a charger with you anyway, in case you find yourself without a USB port, which brings us to…


If you are travelling outside your country, depending on where you’re going, it’s likely you’ll need an adapter. Plug sockets are different in the EU from the UK, and from the UK to Asia, and Asia to the US and you get the idea. There are 15 different plug types around the world. Look up where you’re going and stop in the airport tech shop for an adapter, or you’ll have to charge your phone on air.  


Yes, we’re in the digital world and the world has embraced card payments and even contactless payments, but you never know what could happen. We’re not saying it’s necessary to take your entire holiday budget out in cash anymore, but if you’re off somewhere where Uber isn’t so common, for example, you will need more of the national currency. 

Some Earphones or Even Earplugs

So that the toddler, whose ears are painfully popping, doesn’t cause your head to painfully pop. 

Planning Your Next Getaway?


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