If you are conditionally approved, you can also take advantage of another nifty offering by the CBP: the Enrollment on Arrival program. The EoA allows Global Entry applicants who are conditionally approved to complete their interviews upon arrival into the U.S., eliminating the need to schedule an interview at an […]
Published: 2022 • 09 • 21 One of the countries I’ve been almost desperately wanting to return to is South Korea. So when the Korean government announced it would finally begin accepting tourist visa applications again, I was the first to book flights. The problem is, Korea is an extremely […]
Here’s the list of TRAVEL AGENCIES officially accredited by the Korean Embassy to accept KOREAN VISA APPLICATIONS, with addresses and phone numbers. South Korea is one of the most popular destinations for Filipino tourists, so when the country announced that they’re opening quarantine-free travel for international travelers early this year, […]